Corporate Social Responsibility
- University scholarships for deserving students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) who wish to pursue a master’s degree
Candidates to date include three Nigerian and four Indian scholars who graduated with a master’s degree in Public Administration from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy.
- University scholarship at Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) – National University of Singapore (NUS) to further the research and development of the solar industry and help protect the environment.
- University scholarship at the National University of Singapore (NUS) Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) programme
- Since 2012, providing financial aid to enable graduating fully sponsored international scholars at the United World College of South East Asia, Singapore experience Service Gap Year projects for three to six months under UWC’s Gap Year Program
- Donation of a fully furnished ultra-modern building with all fixtures and furniture to the Alhudahuda College, Zaria for furtherance of modern education, research and use of the Old Boys association of the College. This building is named ‘The Ambassador Alhaji Muhammad Lawal Centre’.
- Rehabilitation and renovation of several nursery, primary and secondary schools in Nigeria on an ongoing basis
- Adoption of Iganmode Grammar School, Sango-Otta.
- Financial support for all round development.
- Construction of computer laboratory building.
- Scholarships to deserving students.